Disappointment… kind of…
Well it was one of those days...overcast with the threat of rain.
Part of my grant from the Ontario Arts Council is to follow my family tree. As Glasgow feels like home, it really really does, It makes me believe in genetic memory. So I have been corresponding with the MItchell LIbrary here in Glasgow, looking for some specific family graves. I had emailed them in February and again in May , with no luck finding someone to do a search for me. So yesterday I was off to the library prepared to do a search for hours on microfiche. I met the most lovely researchers, most generous with their time and offering assistance, but alas I ( the public) am not allowed to research their lair records. So they took the names of the relatives I am searching for and will get back to me in 8 to 10 weeks! Even though I will be back in Canada. Oh well, I see another trip to Glasgow in my future!
Don't you just love the sense of humour?
So having no idea what to do with my free time, I went to GOMA , found an amazing art store and went to Marks and Spencer for my dinner of clotted cream rice pudding...how heavenly!
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