
So we actually left Aberdeen yesterday. But what a beautiful city. Grey large stone buildings everywhere...gothic, elegant, grand, absolutely stunning. Graveyards in the middle of the city, so much more a part of everyday life, so interesting.

Caught up with an old friend...well, really she is not that old, but a beautiful soul, who manages to bring me joy at every turn. She is living in this beautiful fisherman's cottage that used to be a fishing village.

Behind her house is the most gorgeous beach. A huge expanse of  sand with the smell of the sea and the sound of the waves. Off shore I counted 19 oil tankers on the horizon waiting to be called in.  Apparently docking is 10,000 pounds a day. Amazing the world wide impact oil has had.  

 Another  amazing sight is children getting off the train in the morning in their school uniforms.  All in ties and school blazers and kilts ... quite  a site. Children of all ages in their school uniforms, bantering back and forth,  on and off the train. Really independent. Really an amazing sight.


Sheligo beach

